Open Book
Light Bulb

ELEMENTAL ALIGNMENT aims to cultivate the alignment between the inner and outer nature, between our physical, energetic and mental bodies and the Earth. It encompasses awareness and embodiment practices connected with the Seasons (cycles of growth, maturation, decline and death/rebirth), the several Elements of Nature and the Earth.

This alignment, once consciously cultivated and integrated into our experience, can influence health, emotional well-being, deepen resilience and expand body-and-Earth awareness.

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WORKSHOPS are usually held in Nature and are based on a variety of practices, some very ancient, such as Chi Kung, meditation, intuitive communication with plants and trees, journaling/drawing and storytelling.

Focus will be conveniently guided into the several aspects which compose the experience of being human - such as the sensorial, energetic, archetypical, emotional and of meaning - in order to support the resonance between the inner and outer elemental world.

FOR WHO? This sessions are open for all women independently of any previous experience with Chi Kung, in search of:

  • more energy flow
  • in-the-body presence
  • regulating stress levels
  • more grounding and Earth connection
  • body awareness
  • strengthening resiliency

REGISTRATION: workshops are happening every season. Please find dates at the calendar and manifest your interest here. Then, I can offer further information about your participation.

Cyclicity it’s evidence of an entirely different worldview (… ). If you see life as linear, so that progress and growth are what give it meaning, then it is hard to endure impermanence of any kind.

Sharon Blackie

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… celebrates all the beginnings and it represents the energy of the menarche, the maiden and authenticity. This is the time when energy starts to rise from the underground.Light gradually surpasses the dark. Around this period, we can observe the sprouts breaking through the earth and flowers opening to receive the sunlight. In nature, there is a clear movement of breakthrough and expansion, in order for the potential within to take shape and meet the visible world.

Tuning our energies with this season, means for us to move and grow from our cores, with pleasure and self-determination. Means as well to deepen our roots.
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… is an invitation for full expression and celebration of our fertile efforts. This season honours the mother, the ovulation, the fruit bearing power and the ability to nurture and be nurtured. Is also a time of paradox: with the summer solstice, the light reaches it's peak and darkness starts consequently to take place. The mother energy, commonly associated with an outwards focus, also call us back home, to the center of ourselves. While transitioning from the outside to the inside, we are asked to connect with the greater vision, with our hearts, our emotions and touch ourselves with tenderness and friendliness.
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… invite us to descend into the depth of our being. Trees shed their leaves, revealing their bare bodies and the days become darker. This season celebrates the energy of individuation, of detachment and of the wild woman within ourselves. It’s an opportunity to foster the power to separate what supports us from what doesn't. To cleanse and create space. And to root our inner authority.
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… speaks to our deepest need of stillness, contemplation and rest. This season literally invite us to slow down and touch what is essential - our seed. It calls for the ancient wisdom which we all carry within, passed along many generations of grandmothers. It relates to the energy of the menstruation, to the power of visions, dreams and to the wisdom of the crone woman. With the advent of the winter solstice, a shift occurs: the dark reaches it’s peak and it starts gradually to fade away. Therefore, despite of the cold and stillness, the spark for new intentions and beginnings is ignited.

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